University of South Florida St. Pete’s Inaugural Florida Studies Book Festival April 5
Season 2, Episode 537, Mar 19, 03:31 PM
Author and USF St. Pete Florida Studies graduate Deb Carson previews the inaugural Florida Studies Book Festival coming up Saturday, April 5 9:00 am - 4:30pm. The event is free and open to the public at the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library with free parking for the event at USF parking garage (250 5th Ave S). The event’s organizer, Dr. Chris Meindl describes this first year festival will feature Florida authors, many local, who will speak about their books, book signings and food trucks in the parking area. Deb Carson will be speaking on a panel with professor emeritus Dr. Gary Mormino who has authored six published books with two more in the works who co-founded and co-chaired the Florida Studies program at USF St. Pete in 2003 with author and civil rights historian, also professor emeritus Dr. Raymond Arsenault. Also speaking about their books and literary work at this year’s festival will be many Florida literary luminaries - Craig Pittman, Cynthia Barnett, Julie Armstrong, Thomas Hallock, Taylor Hagood, Roy Garner and Kimball Love.
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#usfstpete #bookfestival #usfstpetefloridastudies #debcarson #garymormino #chrismeindel #books #authors #cynthiabarnett #juliearmstrong #craigpittman #kimballlove #downtownstpete #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete