40: Nephilim Corn From The Gods w/ Jon from 21CD Podcast
Mar 24, 04:00 AM
The Anasazi, also called the Ancestral Puebloans, were an ancient Native American culture that flourished in the Four Corners region (present-day Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico) from roughly 100 AD to 1300 AD, known for their advanced agricultural practices, cliff dwellings, and pottery. The name "Anasazi" has come to mean "ancient people," although the word itself is Navajo, meaning "enemy ancestors." The Anasazi were one of four major prehistoric archaeological traditions recognized in the American Southwest along with the Mogollon, Hohokam, and Patayan, but of the four, the Anasazi were known as the deadliest and were known to mix human meat with maize as not only for ritual purposes but dietary as well.
Jon from 21CD Podcast is back to join Joel on a fascinating journey of Oasisamerican discovery of the origins of corn and what its original purpose was as a gift from the "gods". They look at apocryphal texts like the Book of Enoch and Jubilees to understand the beginnings of genetically modified food. They then focus on Quetzalcoatl, "The Feathered Serpent", and the god's connection to human sacrifices and the eating of tlacatlaolli. Lastly, Joel and Jon explore the book, "Man Corn" by Christy G. Turner II, and his evidence for cannibalism among the Anasazi, by developing a set of six criteria for determining whether human cannibalism was likely to have occurred, based on analysis of archaeological remains.
The 21CD Podcast
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Email: freetherabbitspodcast@gmail.com
Distributed by: merkel.media
Produced by: @jack_theproducer
Joel Thomas - Free The Rabbits
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Joel Thomas - Spinning
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Jon from 21CD Podcast is back to join Joel on a fascinating journey of Oasisamerican discovery of the origins of corn and what its original purpose was as a gift from the "gods". They look at apocryphal texts like the Book of Enoch and Jubilees to understand the beginnings of genetically modified food. They then focus on Quetzalcoatl, "The Feathered Serpent", and the god's connection to human sacrifices and the eating of tlacatlaolli. Lastly, Joel and Jon explore the book, "Man Corn" by Christy G. Turner II, and his evidence for cannibalism among the Anasazi, by developing a set of six criteria for determining whether human cannibalism was likely to have occurred, based on analysis of archaeological remains.
The 21CD Podcast
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Buy Me A Coffee: Donate
Website: https://linktr.ee/joelthomasmedia
Follow: Instagram | X | Facebook
Watch: YouTube | Rumble
Music: YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music
Films: merkelfilms.com
Email: freetherabbitspodcast@gmail.com
Distributed by: merkel.media
Produced by: @jack_theproducer
Joel Thomas - Free The Rabbits
YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
Joel Thomas - Spinning
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