The Lost Food of Soho

Mar 24, 08:45 AM

Introducing....The Lost Food of Soho, a new audio piece commissioned and published by Vittles and written, narrated and produced by me (Lucy Dearlove).

This is just a very small taster, you can listen to the whole thing for free on Vittles itself, or on all good podcast platforms.

With big thanks to Jonathan Nunn and Adam Coghlan who I worked closely with through the production of this piece, and to the other Vittles editors who provided crucial feedback.

Hilary Armstrong – writer, worked in Andrew Edmunds
Marcus HarrisDJ/promoter
Russell Davies – creator of eggbaconchipsandbeans
Jeremy Lee – chef proprietor of Quo Vadis
Christine Yau – former owner of Y Ming
Darren Coffieldartist and author of Tales From The Colony Room: Soho’s Lost Bohemia
Iain Sinclairauthor
Polly – sex work and organiser with SWARM
Megan Macedowriter and former Sister Ray employee