ECKERD COLLEGE NEWS: Triton Automotive Club Restores Historic Cars
Season 2, Episode 556, Mar 24, 03:18 PM
Every other Thursday, Eckerd College junior Jeff Hughes hosts the Triton Automotive meet on campus. The student-led organization encourages those with an interest in or curiosity about cars to attend. This club started in the spring of 2023 when Jeff was a first-year Triton and wanted to build a community of car enthusiasts on campus. As a passionate car lover, he had noticed a gap—the lack of an official group for Eckerd students who share an interest in automobiles. The Triton Automotive club supports students’ automobile hobby on and close to campus, creating more opportunities for their passion to grow within the Eckerd sphere. The club’s mission is to bring together students who enjoy cars—whether for their performance, aesthetics or culture—and foster a tight-knit community on campus. A variety of Japanese, German and American automobiles fill the parking lot at each outdoor meeting. Digital Media Production Specialist and Social Media Manager Penh Alicandro ’22 serves as a youthful but knowledgeable staff adviser. From performance-driven machines to those built for looks, all vehicles are welcome. More than 50 students are members of the Triton Automotive Club, but most biweekly meets consist of 10–15 enthusiasts. Photo: The Impreza at sunset, photo courtesy of Jeff Hughes ’26
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#eckerdcollege #tritonautomotiveclub #jeffhughes #carbuffs #carclubs
#stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete