Waiting to be interviewed by @_sians at Cliff House Hotel - coffee loving

Season 1, Episode 1762,   Sep 04, 2012, 10:26 AM


At Cliff House Hotel Ardmore County Waterford Ireland - Pre-interview nerves on display here... The question is " what will Sian Phillips want to interview me about?" This will be our first face-to-face meeting - after lots of Twitter contact. You hear coffee & croissants delivered to the outside table (sunlit & warm) - the clink of spoon on cup, the memory of a recent experience near Chateau Margaux Bordeaux region France during #ontheroadFrance . You hear reference to @coffeemumbojumbo on Audioboo (fab woman coffee journalist). Pathetic effort to describe the @cliffhousehotel by me... #ontheroadomani