Local executioner in East Cork #localhistory

Season 1, Episode 1783,   Sep 07, 2012, 09:36 AM


One minute I was sitting in my local cafe @cafebeva in Glanmire... Abruptly I was taken away in a car to Knockraha - deep in the #EastCork countryside on what 2 men called a "mystery tour". A place I'd never been, a place I never dreamed existed...

You better listen to what transpired today + what was done in the name of a "cause" years ago - during "the war of Independence" & civil war in County Cork. I was shocked & moved & horrified by the thought of being in a place of execution - a graveyard - hallowed ground... I didn't like it - but that's history as they say. #local #history #martincorry #IRA #death #war #civilwar #bodies #bones #stalin #execution