Suvajra's Seasonal - No 1, Summer (Part 2)

Episode 174,   Nov 11, 2014, 04:41 PM


A new set of Buddhist Voices from The Buddhist Centre Online gets started with the first in a regular series featuring Suvajra, one of the most experienced members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, as we trace his life and practice taking each of the four seasons as our starting point.

In part 2 of this conversation taking as its starting point Suvajra's first encounters with Buddhism in the summer of 1969, we move through a full 10 year arc to end with his eventual ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order in autumn 1978. It's moving to listen as an irregular interest, based as much on intuition as anything else, grows into a full-flowered commitment to a life dedicated to spiritual fellowship, awareness, and emotional positivity.

There are more great evocations of the early days of Buddhism in the UK, especially in Glasgow and Manchester, and of the still forming ordination process in a new kind of spiritual community. As Suvajra grows through his tales his journey is both recognisable and exemplary for its open heartedness.

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