Abhayagita On Pilgrimage and Native Ground for Buddhism in Mexico

Episode 238,   Oct 27, 2015, 03:01 PM


As part of our Buddhist Voices series we're live at the 2015 Pan-American Triratna Buddhist Order Convention. Abhayagita - whose name means 'Song of Fearlessness' - tells us (in English y en español) about her project to take women on pilgrimage from Mexico to India in the footsteps of the Buddha. En route we hear about her home country's engagement with the Dharma, and end up in a fascinating space around Aztec and Mayan culture as fertile native soil for the Dharma to take root...

Con la traducción española.

For more from the Pan-American Convention: thebuddhistcentre.com/tags/pan-american-2015

#Mexico #India #pilgrimage #Aztec #Mayan #anthropology #Budismo #Buda #Budhista #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma