KEEP IT 100 GIRL - EPISODE 23 - Menopause Survival Guide For Women of All Ages

Jun 07, 2016, 11:17 PM


Welcome to the Keep it 100 Girl Podcast. My passion and purpose is to celebrate embarrassment. I may suggest things that'll make you say “Has she lost her mind?” Trust my girlie friends (and guys too). Trust. There is always a reason why I make a suggestion and ask you questions that may push you out of your comfort zone. It's NEVER random.

To me it signals the end. The M-Train. You’re done. Vag in done. It’s dry and itchy and you’re sweating bullets from your head. Exciting, right? It’s not something that lasts for a few hours or goes away overnight by popping a pill or drinking a herbal concoction. This stuff can last for years. Women reveal the hurdles they have had to overcome. Another conversation of what you mother didn't tell you, but your girlfriend did.

In today’s episode, you’re gonna hear

  1. Why women get menopause
  2. Typical symptoms women experience
  3. No conversations with Mom about menopause
  4. Myth bust and give their real life advice
  5. Preventative Maintenance for women of all ages

Join the Conversation:

My absolute fave is holding after-hours after each episode. Each week, I ask one question. This week’s question: Just doesn't happen to women in their 40s. What do you know about menopause?


Sign up and download one-pager of menopause tips here

Modern Edgy Urban by Nina

Do you consider yourself a modern edgy urban female with sexy behavior? Thought so. You’re in the right place! These greeting cards are designed for sassy but classy women with an edge. If you have trouble communicating feelings in a relationship, need that nudge to start that difficult conversation with your partner in a funny edgy way, or just wanna turn upp. My new line of greeting cards launches next month. Visit to get notified of the official launch.

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RT EP23 - Menopause survival guide to women of all ages. Listen to EP23 of the Keep it 100 Girl Podcast to learn more. #womenshealth #truthUse this link to Click to Tweet episode 22:

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Nina works as a Social Entrepreneur. She is the Founder of Girlcircle TV on YouTube, EducatingHER, Keep it 100 Girl Podcast, Lifestyle Writer, IT Consultant - NIBA, Modern Edgy Urban by Nina includes her line of t-shirts and greeting cards, and Author-to-Be of What Your Mother Didn't Tell You, But Your Girlfriend Did. Her services include self-worth coaching and motivational speaking. My passion and purpose is to give women of all ages the boost of confidence needed to take their self-worth to the next level.

She physically resides in Washington, DC Metro Area, but mentally on a beach. She is devoted to empowering young women, who are in a pivotal times of their lives to celebrate every facet of embarrassment. Nina speaks to young women about socially and sexually awkward topics related love, sex, dating, and sexual health. Nina can be found laughing the loudest, finishing a cup of Cold Stone Creamery, or traveling somewhere exotic with a beach. You can find more of her brand on

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