Arts in Education w/ Elenore "Elliot" Elena

Dec 07, 2016, 08:33 AM


Tune in to hear Elenore "Elliott" Elena (Hum Drop Art) on What Would Save the World? on Radio Free Brooklyn. We will be talking about how important arts programs are for kids and a project they did with their students called "What Would Save The World?" Inspired by the title of this show! Took Edalow just HAD to have them on. 3-4 pm tune in by going to ALSO new episode of "Don't Need No Golden Ticket" radio play starring Lee Wilson, Makaela Duran-Crelin and Freeze Frame. Starting at a the 30 min mark ALSO report from John Hannifin Investigative Journalist

Music Intro by William Malsam

and Background Music by Brian Bonelli title: FDR Are you Read to Rock?

#artseducation #whatwouldsavetheworld #conversation #newideas #creativity #teachers