36: Nancy Grace & Crime Online
We're back with a thought provoking conversation with Crime Online's Nancy Grace! She's here to talk about her new website (www.crimeonline.com), podcast (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/crime-stories-nancy-grace/id1193068130), and the Maura Murray case, as well as the media and crime landscape in this complicated 2017 world we live in.
Go to www.Crimecon.com and use promo code MMPOD20 for 20% off at checkout.
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Follow Nancy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nancygrace
Please email Lance and Tim at MissingMauraMurray@gmail.com if you want to contribute to this podcast or documentary.
Please sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/federal-bureau-of-investigation-fbi-called-for-in-the-maura-murray-missing-person-case
Follow us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/MissingMauraMurray
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Check out our website http://www.mauramurraydoc.com/ for more information on the movie.
Please contact the New Hampshire State Police for any leads in their ongoing investigation. Telephone: (603) 223-3860 or (800) NAB-DOPE, Email: isb@dos.nh.gov
#podcast #documentary #missingperson #truecrime #mauramurray #unsolved #nancygrace #crimeonline