Out Now Bonus: 8th Annual Summer Movie Gamble: RESULTS

Sep 03, 2019, 04:05 AM

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe reaches another important conclusion, a true endgame for the 2019 summer season. Aaron and Abe are joined by Mark Hobin and Alan Aguilera to go over the results for the 8th Annual Summer Movie Gamble. It’s a mix of reflecting, championing, and consideration for what went on this summer at the movies, as well as at the box office. Among topics covered, we go over the results of the Summer Gamble (5:22), the box office results in general (38:52), and our thoughts on the various bests, worsts, surprises, disappointments, performances, and favorite movie moments of the summer (1:05:20). There’s also some Out Now Feedback (1:40:49), and we then wrap things up (1:43:46). So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#SummerMovies #SummerMovieGamble #AvengersEndgame #TheLionKing #ToyStory4 #SpiderManFarFromHome #Aladdin #JohnWick3 #HobbsAndShaw #SecretLifeOfPets2 #DetectivePikachu #OnceUponATimeInHollywood #Godzilla #Rocketman #film #entertainment #outnowwithaaronandabe #outnow #podcast #blockbusters