Spx Podcast from St. Petersburg Group w/ Adam Smith, Mercury

Season 1, Episode 3069,   Oct 28, 2019, 06:21 PM

The Times they are a'changing: Adam Smith talks the state of news, Florida politicians and hindsight

Former Tampa Bay Times Political Editor and Senior Vice President of Mercury, Adam Smith joins our host Joe Hamilton in the studio for a conversation on politics, media and the news business. Smith explains why regional newspapers are so important to the vitality of our republic and why he fears they may be on the way out. Joe and Adam cover everything from media silos like Fox News to the many characters of Florida politics past and present, and why Smith decided to leave the Times after 20 years to begin a new career in strategic communications.  #spx #spg #stpetecatalyst #stpetefl #sunshineshere #tam #tampaBay #radio #radiostpete