FM Podcast Ep. 37 - Sticking to the Script
Season 3, Episode 37, Apr 30, 2020, 09:00 PM
Everyone wants to leave their mark on the world but should they get to mess with someone else's creation in the process? Join us as we discuss whether or not a filmmaker should follow their creative ambitions or stick to the source material their film is based on. The line has been crossed in the sand. Where do you stand?
Hosted by Famous Monsters Production Manager Jorge Marrero aka The Jack of All Trades, Editor-In-Chief Holly Interlandi and Marketing Manager Jason “The Falcon” Ioannou.
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Hosted by Famous Monsters Production Manager Jorge Marrero aka The Jack of All Trades, Editor-In-Chief Holly Interlandi and Marketing Manager Jason “The Falcon” Ioannou.
If you’re interested in learning more about Famous Monsters go to
#StephenKing #IT #TheMist #TheGreenMile #StandByMe #Pennywise #JurassicPark #MichaelCrichton #TheWatchmen #AlanMoore #DaveGibbons #300 #SinCity #TheSpirit #FrankMiller #RobertRodriguez #ZackSnyder #InterviewWithAVampire #AnneRice #TheLordOfTheRings #JRRTolkien #TheHobbit #IanFleming #JamesBond #007 #JoJosBizarreAdventure #Uzumaki #JunjiIto #Marvel #Avengers #Endgame #InfinityWar #BlackPanther #Movies #Novels #Books #ComicBooks #Horror #Scifi #Fantasy #Drama #Action