"The Catalyst Sessions" w/ Bill DeYoung: Trish Duggan10-6-20

Season 1, Episode 4016,   Oct 08, 2020, 08:09 PM


Eventually, Imagine Museum founder and benefactor Trish Duggan said Tuesday on The Catalyst Sessions, there will be a second facility, also devoted to glass art, in Pinellas County. “I’m taking a good look at that. I will absolutely open an international museum.

“Because the first floor is all American art, and on the second floor I have mixed international and Americans. And I definitely have at least six 40-foot shipping containers full of glass coming from Europe. And I would definitely like to show it in a museum. It’s beyond phenomenal.”

In addition to owning one of the premiere glass collections in the world, the billionaire philanthropist is an accomplished artist herself. Many of her own works are on display in the Imagine Museum. Much of the Catalyst Sessions conversation was devoted to this, as well as to her history as both an artist and an enthusiastic cheerleader for the glass art movement.

The idea of expansion came up in the latter minutes of the interview.

“I have this beautiful property right here on 5th and Central, that I can do something (with),” she said. “And I’m actually looking at different architects right now. I may have an architectural competition, because I’d like to do something that’s really stunning.”

Duggan responded to a question about reports that she was looking at buildings in Clearwater, where she lives.

She said she’s been offered several locations in the county. “I won’t say where, but a couple of them are waterfront. The Clearwater one is right in front of the bridge. I had been discussing that just as an idea. Because of course Clearwater has no museums. They have the most beautiful beaches in the world, and it’d be nice if it had some culture, too, just to attract an audience. #stpetecatalyst #imaginemuseum #stpete #florida #tampabay #Radio