Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 57 Jackie Tonks

Mar 16, 2020, 09:00 PM

This week, we are joined by British Cryptozoologist and Paranormal investigator, Jackie Tonks. 

Jackie is a member of the CFZ (Centre for Fortean Zoology) and has been fortunate enough to go on several expeditions searching for unknown hominids around the world and had an incredible encounter whilst in North America. 

We discuss her sightings and expeditions searching for Bigfoot as well as covering her paranormal investigations in and around the UK.  We also discuss her search for the Almasty in Russiaand her latest quest on the hunt for Trolls!!

The Centre for Fortean Zoology can be found here. 

Thank you for joining me Jackie

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Thanks for listening. 

#Bigfoot #Almasty #OrangPendek #Yowie #Yeren #TasmanianTiger #Cryptozoology #Monsters #Hominids #Ghost #Haunted #Paranormal #Spirits #CFZ #Fortean #Zoology #MysteriesandMonsters #Russia #USA #Canada #Sasquatch #Troll