(un)touched with the River and Rowing Museum

Season 1, Episode 1,   May 31, 2022, 11:32 AM


(un)touched delves into the themes of touch, tangibility and intangibility in the world of art and visual culture. In this episode, Anna Price speaks to Cate Tren, curator at the River and Rowing Museum, about their current collections project, what art and physicality means in a museum context and how Cate, as curator, looks to facilitate more ways of engaging with art at the River and Rowing Museum.

Thank you for listening to this episode!

More information on us, the Centre for Visual Cultures, can be found here, you can email us at: centreforvisualcultures@rhul.ac.uk and tweet us at: @RHUL_CVC.

More information on the River and Rowing Museum can be found here.

The painting Cate mentions is Jan Siberecht's 'Henley from the Wargrave Road' and can be viewed here. Cate also mentions the 'Winged Nike', also known as the 'Winged Victory of Samothrace', more information on which can be found here.

For the transcript of this podcast, please see this PDF