Exhibiting Eco-poetry with Words from the Wild

Season 3, Episode 1,   Feb 14, 2024, 12:45 PM

Royal Holloway doctoral researchers Caroline Harris and Briony Hughes tell us how they curated Words from the Wild: the Nature of Poetry, a new exhibition which explores many different forms of poetry, all of which respond to the natural world. They talk about their eco-poetic practice, the challenges of putting together a multi-sensory poetry exhibition, and the importance of bringing poets into the conversation on questions of biodiversity, sustainability, and climate crisis.

More info on Words from the Wild: https://royalholloway.ac.uk/about-us/the-library/the-exhibition-space-at-the-emily-wilding-davison-building/words-from-the-wild/

You can find out more about Joan Retallack, ‘procedural ecologies’ and Mandelbrot’s fractal geometry in this article by A. J. Carruthers.

Jonathan Skinner on ecopoetics: https://jacket2.org/commentary/jonathan-skinner

CVC website: https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/research-and-teaching/departments-and-schools/languages-literatures-and-cultures/research/our-research-areas/centre-for-visual-cultures/