(un)touched in the Digital Humanities

Season 1, Episode 4,   Aug 26, 2022, 02:25 PM

(un)touched delves into the themes of touch, tangibility and intangibility in the world of art and visual culture. In this episode, Dr Carlotta Paltrinieri, Lecturer in Italian Studies, speaks to Prof Hannah Thompson, Professor of French and Critical Disability Studies, and Dr Hannah Platts, Lecturer in Ancient History and Archeology.

Carlotta, Hannah and Hannah discuss the benefits, and potential limitations, of applying digital and computational to the study of visual culture and the humanities. They explore how digital methods can explore new research pathways that are more inclusive, accessible and sustainable.

Please see the links below for more information on elements discussed in this episode:

The Royal Holloway Picture Gallery
Multisensory Museums and New Modes of Access
Tudors Augmented
The Photographer's Gallery
Sensational Books at the Weston Library, Oxford
Time Detectives: The Mystery of the Mary Rose Augmented Reality App

Thank you for listening to this episode!

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