(un)touched with Martina Borghi and Kate Devine
Season 1, Episode 2, Jul 01, 2022, 08:12 AM
(un)touched delves into the themes of touch, tangibility and intangibility in the world of art and visual culture. In this episode, Anna Price speaks to Martina Borghi and Kate Devine, two PhD students at Royal Holloway, about their recent 'Sensing Art' workshop about what engaging non-visually with art means from a research perspective and how utilising our senses can enhance our understanding of visual culture.
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More information on us, the Centre for Visual Cultures, can be found here, you can email us at: centreforvisualcultures@rhul.ac.uk and tweet us at: @RHUL_CVC.
Thank you for listening to this episode!
More information on us, the Centre for Visual Cultures, can be found here, you can email us at: centreforvisualcultures@rhul.ac.uk and tweet us at: @RHUL_CVC.
Please find a list below of the key artworks mentioned:
Edmonia Lewis - The Death of Cleopatra - 1876 - Marble - Smithsonian American Art Museum - https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/death-cleopatra-33878
El Anatsui - Fresh and Fading Memories - 2007 - Aluminium and copper wire
Gabriele Devecchi - Superficie in vibrazione, 1959 - Wood (or in alternative aluminum or aluminum and methacrylate), natural rubber, steel pins, v220 motor – 2 rpm (or in alternative battery motors) - https://www.reprogrammed-art.cc/library/25/Superficie-in-vibrazione
Gianni Colombo - Elastic Space - 1967 - Fluorescent elastic cords, electrical motors, Wood’s lamp - https://www.reprogrammed-art.cc/library/104/Spazio-elastico
Mario Merz - Cone - 1967 - Willow - Tate Modern London- https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/merz-cone-t03674‘Cone’, Mario Merz, c.1967 | Tate
And the key articles mentioned:
Christopher Perricone - The place of touch in the arts - https://www.jstor.org/stable/4140242
Lenka Clayton - http://www.lenkaclayton.com/ and https://www.artnews.com/art-news/reviews/blind-copies-lenka-clayton-captures-the-rhythms-of-everyday-life-and-questions-the-nature-of-originality-8547/
For the transcript of this podcast, please see this PDF.