(un)touched with Anne-Marie Purcell
Season 1, Episode 3, Jul 29, 2022, 09:02 AM
(un)touched delves into the themes of touch, tangibility and intangibility in the world of art and visual culture. In this episode, Judith Meddick, Honorary Research Associate at the CVC, speaks to Anne-Marie Purcell, Archives and Special Collections Curator at Royal Holloway.
Judith and Anne-Marie discuss the contents of the RHUL Archive and Special Collections, what accessing and physically touching the materials can bring to research and the curatorial plans for the future.
Thank you for listening to this episode!
More information on us, the Centre for Visual Cultures, can be found here, you can email us at: centreforvisualcultures@rhul.ac.uk and tweet us at: @RHUL_CVC.
Please find a list below of the key links from this Podcast:
Chard Theatre Group -
Bomb Damage Maps at the LMA - https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/history-and-heritage/london-metropolitan-archives/collections/london-county-council-bomb-damage-maps
RHUL Archives and Special Collections - royalholloway.ac.uk/about-us/the-library/our-archives/
RHUL Archive Catalogue -
Judith and Anne-Marie discuss the contents of the RHUL Archive and Special Collections, what accessing and physically touching the materials can bring to research and the curatorial plans for the future.
Thank you for listening to this episode!
More information on us, the Centre for Visual Cultures, can be found here, you can email us at: centreforvisualcultures@rhul.ac.uk and tweet us at: @RHUL_CVC.
Please find a list below of the key links from this Podcast:
Chard Theatre Group -
Bomb Damage Maps at the LMA - https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/history-and-heritage/london-metropolitan-archives/collections/london-county-council-bomb-damage-maps
RHUL Archives and Special Collections - royalholloway.ac.uk/about-us/the-library/our-archives/
RHUL Archive Catalogue -