Episode 6,   Aug 24, 2022, 09:26 PM

01:43 What is the importance of company culture today?
02:29 Defining culture from a CEO perspective.
04:03 Defining culture from an HR perspective.
05:51 The key differentiator in recruiting.
06:55 Study: What are leaders saying about culture? 08:05 Employee leverage.
09:25 Change management.
11:04 How does culture affect millennial recruiting?
12:22 How do you create culture?
14:30 Find out what your employees want.
14:55 Stay interviews.
15:53 Danny's thoughts on GLOMO culture.
17:08 How can you mesh diversity and consistent culture?
18:30 How to tell when you're in the right culture.
18:54 Glassdoor study: Values alignment.
19:31 Why advertise your company values?
21:00 How do you hire for cultural fit?
24:02 Choosing the right job descriptions and interviewers.
25:44 Designating a cultural ambassador.
26:50 Summing up the importance of culture and how to implement it in the workplace.
28:01 Find your own core values.

"A whopping two-thirds of millennials say they care more about culture than salary! (Glassdoor). That’s no doubt - culture impacts your company’s ROI. So what exactly does a good company culture look like these days, and how can you create a workplace that attracts candidates? Hint: the answer isn’t beer and ping pong tables! Ben and Danny break down the importance of culture, how to create it within your workplace, and how to hire diverse employees that connect with company values.