"Sunshine Sisters" Tami Simms 5-1-24 "Lunchtime Conversations" on RadioStPete

Season 1, Episode 11,   May 01, 2024, 01:35 PM


Tami Simms has been in the business of organization, marketing
and graphic design since starting her first business in 1993 at the
age of 23. An entrepreneur by genetics, she left the freelance
world in January of 2002 to join her mother's real estate practice
which has now evolved into The Simms Team at Coastal
Properties Group International, a boutique brokerage located in
downtown St. Petersburg. She is also a national trainer and
speaker within the real estate industry. Tami is thoroughly
engaged in the community, serving in numerous non-profit and
volunteer leadership roles on local, state and national levels.

#tamisimms #simmsrealestate #coastalproperties #saturdaymorningmarket
#downtownbusinessassociation #DBA #stpetersburg,fl #stpete,fl #stpete
#estateofmind #businessandprofessionalwomen/USA #BPW/USA
#sunshinesisters #karencarmichael #tampabay #radio #radiostpete 