Exclusive Preview of Randy Wayne White's "One Deadly Eye" on "Lunchtime Conversations" May 2024

Season 1, Episode 7535,   May 12, 2024, 09:30 PM

RadioStPete.com INSIDER news director Nanette Wiser and book babe Margo Hammond dish on Randy Wayne White's upcoming new book, One Deadly Eye!. An acclaimed New York Times author, White is a world class storyteller with a penchant for fishing, writing wrongs, quirky Florida lifestyles and villains and his Doc Ford is a beloved character...and also the name of the restaurants with his name. White will sign books locally June 2 @ Doc Ford Jungle Terrace, June 3 Doc Ford St. Pete Pier and speak withTombolo Books June 3 at Coastal Creative. www.RandyWayneWhite.com
#fishing #docford #randywaynewhite #nanettewiser #margohammond #OneDeadlyEye #books #authors #lunchtimeconversations #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #greenbenchjune2024