Tequila Mandala partner Humberto Ibarra joins Mike Campos for a "real" good time. #Cheers

Season 3, Episode 23,   Sep 10, 2024, 07:00 AM

Let's Go!! let's go!! let's go.... The MAC Effect delivering episode 3 of season 3.

We welcome a great husband, amazing father, one of a kind friend, business owner, smart, loving, caring and passionate man... you can clap for him if you want... welcome Beto Ibarra (Humberto). My boy comes to the podcast sharing details of his childhood, and up to his current endeavors. Beto is a family man first then businessman. When he opened up about his childhood and love life, you see the development was pretty cool and necessary for his next step in business. After investing in developing himself... he and several partners have launched a tequila brand called... "Tequila Mandala" Which by the way is soooo good! Bottoms up! #cheers 

Never the less, Beto inspired me thru this conversation to believe and trust the process. For all those who believe but don't really (like me), we need to break free from lies and be free in truths! Anything is possible for those who believe! Thank you Beto for coming on the show, and thank you the bottle... cheers my brotha'

Guys as season 3 continues…. I’m cooking up some great episodes with celebrities, artist, self made bosses, entrepreneurs, which all have shown me… we are all the same. We all have the ability and opportunity. I have been very humbled and empowered by these great guest. I pray you also learn, grow and develop. Healing is very important for a greater leap to our full potential. The MAC Effect was created to help you achieve you optimal peak, to challenge chore beliefs, and reach goals that you didn’t think you would or maybe have even died. Not today guys! We fight for ourselves whether we feel like it or not… why? Because its not your fault… its never been your fault… you are ENOUGH! Amen! #Themaceffect #maceffect #mac #mikecampos6 #god #love #hope #faith #joy #question #awakening #understanding #building #fundamentals #ihaveaquestion #iwanttolearn #growing #growingpains #letsgetitright #nottoday #nottodaysatan #jesuschrist #inJesusname #lovealwayswins #peace #letsgetit #testing #learning #process #developing #maturing #fatherhood #motherhood #husband #wife #partnership #equals #tildeath #god #processing #process #guest #podcast #shorts #growth