The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Dec 03, 06:56 AM

The Apocalypse Video Bond Cast is back and this time we're reviewing the BIGGEST - the BEST - it's BOND and B-E-Y-O-N-D as we watch 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me.

Apocalypse Video Bond-Cast Mission Dossier:

The Target:
1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me

Your Contacts:
Apocalypse Video (M)anager - Dave
Agents - Mike and Jackie
Big Headed Henchman - Ryan

Mission Objectives:
  1. Analyze whether Roger Moore is fit for duty as he appears to be 49 going on 69.
  2. Determine whether or not Jaws, in addition to biting the necks of his victims, is also eating them.
  3. Attempt to ascertain why so many henchmen continue to sign on for these increasingly outlandish bad guy plots.

Additional Objectives:
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The Apocalypse Video Bond Cast will return as we go where no Bond has gone before with…Moonraker.