Avoiding Partisan Gridlock

Season 2, Episode 2,   Jan 12, 11:00 AM


Democratic Congressman Tom Suozzi argues that the real election mandate was for border security, reducing the cost of living, and turning down the volume on the culture wars—not one-party rule.

Democratic Congressman Tom Suozzi, who represents a Long Island district that Trump also won, argues that the real election mandate was for border security, reducing the cost of living, and turning down the volume on the culture wars—not one-party rule. Suozzi talks with John about where he thinks Dems can work with Republicans and which areas are non-negotiable, including on climate and the environment. Plus, what happened to Trump’s big promises on Ukraine and the hostages, and how some 80s movies help explain the challenges facing the middle class.

Rep. Tom Suozzi joins John Avlon.

show notes