Walking thru Chaos' Discovering your endurance and how obedience is Key by Mike Campos

Season 4, Episode 35,   Feb 11, 08:00 AM

The MAC effect delivering a special episode like always! The difference on this one, is that we give room for God to move like never before… changing my plans, my thoughts and topics.

On this weeks episode we talk about walking thru the CHAOS of life! How do you get by? What if the pain is too unbearable?, how can I just do nothing while they are happy and free doing whatever while hurting me?

It’s always an honor to bring you more episodes and especially ones to learn how to fight off, hurt, pain, suffering… this doesn’t mean you won’t feel these feelings / emotions anymore but they will become bearable. Which will allow you to continue building for your purpose, for your loved ones and living the life God has chosen for you to live! A life of blessings, joy and self control! To live in gratitude. Please share what has impacted you, what key moment caused an effect, I love learning, reading how this impact your life and those around you.

My family and friends, please feel free to comment, share, like, subscribe and turn on notifications! Why? Because I promise you this will bless you and others. My email is Themaceffect19@gmail.com for all questions and inquiries.

I pray this season, God gives us the wisdom to hear, listen, develop and grow as individuals, so that the other relationships can hear, listen, develop and grow as well. I believe this season will be of impact! Of change and healing. The MAC Effect mission statement is: “To help hurt people, to hope. In heart, mind, body and spirit” in Jesus Christ name. I want to thank all my guest in advance for the love and time donated to this podcast, as any donation is a direct blessing and healing to my inner child. Praise the Lord for His healing and Glory! #Themaceffect #maceffect #mac #mikecampos6 #god #love #hope #faith #joy #question #hurtpeople #hurt #healing #healpeople #healingmind #healingbody #healingheart #healingspirit #morals #chorebelieves #growingpain #thewilltofight #keepgoing #youhavepurpose #awakening #understanding #building #fundamentals #ihaveaquestion #iwanttolearn #growing #growingpains #letsgetitright #nottoday #nottodaysatan #jesuschrist #inJesusname #lovealwayswins #peace #letsgetit #testing #learning #process #developing #maturing #fatherhood #motherhood #husband #wife #partnership #equals #tildeath #god #processing #process #guest #podcast #shorts #growth