The Real Life Fairytale Starts Now With Jim

Season 2, Episode 7,   Mar 20, 02:00 AM

Our guest on today’s episode is one of the what we would call strongholds of the twelve-step community.  Jim (or Jimmie, as Paul affectionately refers to him) gets straight into the nitty gritty: why trusting his head over his gut did not serve him well, why sweeties as a very young child then smoking at seven was just the start of his dangerous and progressive addiction, the strict incarceration he endured from age 16, getting sober in prison and the Peter Pan syndrome.

Jim grew up in a poor, rural Scottish community and being the youngest of seven siblings and to whom he was always compared, he battled with suicidal thoughts at a prepubescent age.

Now with over 45 years of continued sobriety,  Jim talks about the gift of time and why surrender is not losing but how letting go is the key to success. He tells us how recovery is available to everyone for free…once you are ready to see, hear and experience it.

We hope this conversation shows you how to boldly go where you may have never gone before and why accepting love into your life over fear can be so much more exciting than living in the fantastical world of the make believe.

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If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, there are plenty of resources on the Stride Foundation website:

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