Welcome to Florida: Pensacola Punkhouse 11-23-21
Season 1, Episode 5091, Nov 27, 2021, 03:24 PM
Pensacola Punkhouse
If you thought the "Roads to Ruin" were dead, think again. This week's episode begins with Craig's column from the Florida Phoenix which alerts us to how the Florida Department of Transportation, at the behest of developers and the road construction industry, wants to force another unwanted, unneeded, expensive turnpike extension in north Florida. As background to this story, an explanation of how roads can be racist. This week's guest is Scott Satterwhite, author of "A Punkhouse in the Deep South: An Oral History of 309." Satterwhite, who now teaches at the University of West Florida, didn't just write the book on the 309 Punkhouse, he is a former resident. #stpetecatalyst #Florida #floridahistory #welcometoflorida #tampabay #radio #radiostpeteĀ