Welcome to Florida: Dick Pope and Cypress Gardens Craig Pittman 1-6-24
Season 1, Episode 6969, Jan 06, 2024, 07:54 PM
What a great talk on Cypress Gardens. Brought back wonderful memories. My Mom Was Dick Pope Jr.'s secretary. I was a Southern Bell and water skier in the 60's. Most of us called Dick Pope, Papa Pope. He was a master promotor. I also trained for the Esther Williams spectacular with Fernando Lames. Pope's built the olympic pool with the windows for the his spectacular. I spent the summer after 5th grade learning water ballet. I did not make the cut as I was too short to be in the film. Some of my ski training was with Afredo Mendoza. He also ice skated with Holiday on Ice. The good old days...lots of wonderful memories!!!! #cypressgardens #dickpope #craigpittman #florida #floridahistory #welcometoflorida #tampabay 3radio #radiostpete