Episode 481. Finding Life and Being Loved In the World, Today with Danielle LaPorte
Season 9, Oct 21, 2022, 02:00 PM
This week on Radically Loved, Danielle LaPorte once again joins Rosie to talk about how you are naturally loving and connected. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to become blinded and swept away by everything around us. People become split by the divisions and injustices you see in the world each day. Negativity clouds your mind and spreads from person to person like a parasite. You're stuck, alone, disconnected, miserable, and far from feeling radiant and radically loved. Fortunately, this isn't your true self. This episode is brought to you by: BiOptimizers www.bioptimizers.com/radicallyloved Use Code: radicallyloved10 for 10% OFF your first purchase Aspiration Make your dollars make a difference! Open your account today! https://www.aspiration.com/loveddebit Framebridge Head over to https://www.framebridge.com Promo Code: LOVED to save an additional 15% Off your first purchase! Splendid Spoon Get started today and get $120 off your first three boxes at www.SplendidSpoon.com/loved Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 1.Understand how you can reconcile your outside with what’s within. 2.Learn how you to stop doing anything that makes you miserable. 3.Discover why advice can hurt rather than help and find out what you can do instead. Resources: ●Episode 72: https://open.spotify.com/episode/72nt86TXp0n3Bxv87wVfc8?si=f17eaada2dba4350 ●Episode 245: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7sOF29uXbTaCR8tCOyCN7c?si=2059fc0a76804029 ●Books by Danielle LaPorte: ○How to Be Loving: https://daniellelaporte.com/howtobeloving/ ○White Hot Truth: https://shop.daniellelaporte.com/pages/white-hot-truth ○Desire Map: https://shop.daniellelaporte.com/pages/the-desire-map ●Be one of the first twenty to share this episode on your Instagram story and receive your copy of How to Be Loving by Danielle LaPorte! Don’t forget to tag @daniellelaporte and @rosieacosta on your story! ●Watch Danielle’s Instagram live with Tracey Stanley: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CjTX5_eh74O/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ●Connect with Danielle: ○Website: https://daniellelaporte.com/ ○Instagram: https://instagram.com/daniellelaporte?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ●Heart-Centered Membership: https://daniellelaporte.mykajabi.com/heart-centered-2021 ●Heart-Centered Leadership Program: https://daniellelaporte.mykajabi.com/heart-centered-facilitator-program ●With Love Danielle Podcast: https://daniellelaporte.com/category/with-love-danielle/ ●FREE workbook! Apply the lessons you learn from this episode as you listen! Sign up at https://www.radicallyloved.com/episode-show-notes, and I’ll send it right away!: ●Stay updated! ○Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosieacosta/ ○Twitter: https:twitter.com/rosieacosta ○Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radicallylovedrosie ○TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsrosieacosta