Episode 479. Brown Enough: Unplugging and Taking Back Space with Christopher Rivas

Season 9,   Oct 14, 2022, 02:15 PM

This week on Radically Loved, Rosie speaks with Christopher Rivas about the lessons from his book, Brown Enough. What does it mean not to be part of the conventional space society has created for us? Where does it leave you if you don’t have a place in this conversation? Unplugging systemic beliefs and beginning self-inquiry takes a massive amount of work. But it’s the first step to taking back your worth and finding your place from this noise. This episode is brought to you by: BiOptimizers www.bioptimizers.com/radicallyloved Use Code: radicallyloved10 for 10% OFF your first purchase Remedy+ https://myremedyproducts.com Use Code: ROSIE20 Customers will save 20% on everything available on the site. OPEN Promo Code: LOVED www.withopen.com/LOVED Episode Highlights [02:59] What Inspired Brown Enough [05:25] What the Process of Self-Inquiry is Like [07:44] The Most Difficult Plugs to Undo [10:22] Always Lie When Someone Asks You if You Meditate [14:59] The Role of the Beginner’s Mind [16:36] Meeting People with an Open Heart [19:30] Stop Doing the Formula [23:17] Everything and Nothing at the Same Time [24:17] Brown Enough Audiobook [29:29] The Biggest Takeaway from Brown Enough Resources: Connect with Christopher Rivas: - Website: https://www.christopherrivas.com/ - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christopher__rivas/ - Rubirosa Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rubirosa/id1634083998 - Brown Enough by Christopher Rivas: https://www.amazon.com/Brown-Enough-Stories-Violence-Hollywood/dp/1955905045 - Ta-Nehisi Coates’s website: https://ta-nehisicoates.com/ - Insight Meditation Society: https://www.dharma.org/ - The first 10 people to tag Christopher and Rosie on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook will get a FREE COPY of Brown Enough! - Radically Loved is now part of the iHeartMedia Podcasts: https://www.iheartmedia.com/podcasts. - Do you have a specific topic in mind? Email us at info@radicallyloved.com. - Download BUILD YOUR DAILY MEDITATION RITUAL and other freebies at https://www.radicallyloved.com/free-stuff! - FREE Action Guide! Sign up at https://www.radicallyloved.com/episode-show-notes, and I’ll send it right away! Stay updated! - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosieacosta/ - Twitter: https:twitter.com/rosieacosta - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radicallylovedrosie - TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsrosieacosta