Episode 452. Self-love Through the Right Skincare Ingredients and Ayurveda with Lisa Mattam

Season 8,   Jun 01, 2022, 10:51 PM

This week on #WisdomWednesdays, Rosie and Tessa talk to Lisa Mattam about using the importance of self-care in skincare and how clean beauty brands can help you achieve that. Advertisements and influencers for skincare and beauty products abound, particularly online, reminding us to adhere to society's beauty standards and pressuring us to purchase the latest items. These products, however, should go beyond aesthetics and promote self-acceptance and self-love. You can honor and care for your body by starting with the right ingredients. This episode is brought to you by: First Person Start improving your brain health and cognition with First Person! Get fifteen percent off your first order by going to getfirstperson.com Use promo code:loved GEM Right now get 30% OFF your first order! Head over www.dailygem.co/loved If you want to start loving and respecting your body with the right skincare ingredients, then this episode is for you! Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 1.Understand why you should be concerned about ingredients and invest in clean skincare brands. 2.Learn intentional practices to incorporate self-care into your daily routine. 3.Recognize the value of being responsible for your skin and nourishing it with good ingredients. Episode Highlights ●[01:04] Introducing Lisa ●[06:33] On Sahajan ●[11:31] Consciousness in Shopping ●[15:51] Self-Care in Your Daily Routine ●[22:00] Self-Care for Entrepreneurs ●[26:22] Choosing Eye Creams ●[31:45] Knowing Oils ●[31:45] Support in the Beauty Industry Resources ●Connect with Lissa Mattam: ○Sahajan: https://www.sahajan.com/ ○Website: https://www.lisamattam.com/ ○LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisamattam/?originalSubdomain=ca ○Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisamattam ●The Detox Market: https://www.thedetoxmarket.com/ ●Credo Beauty: https://credobeauty.com/ ●Watch the HBO Documentary, Not So Pretty : https://www.hbomax.com/series/urn:hbo:series:GYjJrvg7QksLDwgEAAAAG ●Radically Loved is now part of the iHeartMedia Podcasts: https://www.iheartmedia.com/podcasts ●Email us your topic at info@radicallyloved.com. Don’t forget to add the subject Wisdom Wednesday topic! ●Create a daily meditation ritual in just seven days! Download BUILD YOUR DAILY MEDITATION RITUAL and other freebies at https://www.radicallyloved.com/free-stuff! ●FREE Action Guide! Apply the lessons you learn from this episode as you listen! Sign up at https://www.radicallyloved.com/episode-show-notes, and I’ll send it right away! ●Stay updated! ○Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosieacosta/ ○Twitter: https:twitter.com/rosieacosta ○Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radicallylovedrosie ○TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsrosieacosta