Episode 425. Finding Peace Within by Practicing Stillness and Healthy Mindsets

Season 8,   Feb 23, 2022, 05:51 PM

We live in a frenetic environment. Such things like “hustle mentality” have made us frantic to get somewhere, anywhere — as long as it’s “there”. Setting your sights on your goals is important, but not at the expense of being present in the here and now. In today’s episode of #WisdomWednesday, Rosie and Tessa discuss the practice and the path in their spiritual journey and the different struggles people might face along the way. Impatience, mistakes, anxiety, and unchecked desire can get in the way of finding peace. Learning to deal with these will help you grow into the person you’re meant to be. If you’re overwhelmed with everything that’s happening in life, whether internally or externally, and want to find peace within yourself, then this episode is for you! This episode is brought to you by: Bombas Go to www.bombas.com/loved for 20% OFF Babbel Get a 3-month Babbel subscription for FREE that’s 6 months for the price of 3. Visit www.babbel.com and use promo code: LOVED Biome Breakthrough www.biomebreakthrough.com/radicallyloved Use promo code: radicallyloved10 to get 10% off! OMAZE www.omaze.com/loved To WIN EPIC PRIZES! Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 1.Learn how to handle mistakes in a healthy way. 3.Find out why stillness causes anxiety — and how to overcome it. 4.Discover how to marry contentment and desire. Resources: ●Connect with Tessa Tovar: ○Website: https://tessatovar.com/ ○Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tessamarietovar/ ○LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tessa-tovar-baa27613/ ○Twitter: https://twitter.com/altyogagirl ●Radically Loved is now part of the iHeartMedia Podcasts: https://www.iheartmedia.com/podcasts ●Email us your topic at info@radicallyloved.com. Don’t forget to add the subject Wisdom Wednesday topic! ●Create a daily meditation ritual in just seven days! Download BUILD YOUR DAILY MEDITATION RITUAL and other freebies at https://www.radicallyloved.com/free-stuff! ●Don’t forget to follow and message us on these platforms! ○Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radicallylovedrosie/ ○Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosieacosta ○Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosieacosta ○TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsrosieacosta ●FREE Action Guide! Apply the lessons you learn from this episode as you listen! Sign up at https://www.radicallyloved.com/episode-show-notes, and I’ll send it right away! Episode Highlights [00:45] Learning Something New ●Eddie is Rosie’s childhood friend that’s like a brother to her. ●Since he’s the lead singer of a hardcore metal band called King, Rosie and Torry asked him to give them singing lessons because they’re into karaoke right now. ●Rosie’s dad is an incredible singer but singing doesn’t come naturally to her. ●While some people have innate talents, practicing and honing your skills will help you get better at anything you’re passionate about. [03:44] How to Handle Mistakes ●When microaggressions happen, she noticed she tends to blame herself immediately, then become defensive and blame someone else. ●She realized that she blames others because of fear and feeling unworthy. ●Instead of blaming others, respond with healthy mindsets and efficient solutions. ●Everyone becomes worried and anxious when they make a mistake, but pausing before reacting will help you handle things better. [09:29] The Letting Go Process ●With the book launch, Rosie is juggling a lot but she also wants to enjoy the process. ●Once anything you create is sent out to the world, it belongs to the audience who’ll take what you’ve done and interpret it with their own lens. ●Each person will perceive things differently. ●The writing process is intimate and vulnerable, so the letting go process can be difficult. [12:33] Resonating with Radically Loved ●Rosie did three interviews yesterday, and all three people had read the book. ●One of her favorite things in this experience has been seeing people resonate with the idea of being radically loved. ●Though she thinks it isn’t notable, many people were really into her childhood story. ●Learning yoga as a philosophy before she did the asana practice was also something people found fascinating. ●She hasn’t talked about relationships being our ultimate way to our spiritual path yet. [17:20] How Wisdom Wednesdays Started ●They had a bump in listeners since they became an iHeart Radio podcast. ●Tessa has known Rosie for a long time, being one of her students and an incredibly gifted yoga teacher, coach, and author. ●Wisdom Wednesdays started out as an experiment but now they enjoy just hanging out. [18:40] The Three Things You Need For a Spiritual Quest ●You must be willing to inquire within. ●Accept that some things happen for no reason. ●Find someone to guide you. ●Spirituality happens when you mind your own business. ●Living in an authentic, heart-centered way has always been the crux of who she wants to be as a person and as a teacher, and the foundation for everything she does. [22:17] Being Grounded ●Perhaps Rosie created a container where she can foster and grow. ●The value of their yoga training is in the stillness and being able to sit with ease and feel everything resonate within them. ●Surround yourself with people who are open and want to learn. ●Remember that the practice is the path, and the path is the practice. [25:54] Where the Path Leads ●Finding people that will guide you can transform your life. ●Being a perpetual student, Rosie always wants to learn new things and integrate them. ●The practice isn’t done to get better at something or reach a goal; it’s to learn how to be on the path, let go, and open our hearts to the present. ●The place that we’re trying to get to is here, and we’re already here. [28:51] Dealing with Anxiety and Stillness ●In order for something to stand the test of time, it’s going to take time. ●People tend to become impatient and rush because they need to get “there” when “here” is where you really need to be. ●Anxiety comes from living in the future or dwelling in the past. ●Living in a frenetic environment makes it difficult for us to be still and steady. ●Being still gives space for the things that we really want, so think deeply about what you want and how it can make you feel fulfilled. [34:08] Reconciling Contentment and Desire ●Tessa remembers mulling over with some students, “How do I remain content with what I have while also progressing as a human and reaching my goals?” ●Until now, she still grapples with contentment and striving towards goals. ●It’s okay to have desires, but discernment is important so you don’t feel less than. 5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode [02:42] “If you’re passionate about something, and you just keep practicing and in practicing at it, you will at some point at least get decent enough.” [20:34] “Here’s the thing about spirituality. It doesn’t happen when you’re looking at somebody else’s life. It happens when you MYOB: Mind Your Own Business.” [25:23] “It’s important to surround yourself with people who are open and have a desire to learn and to realize that the practice is the path and the path is the practice.” [28:16] “... the place we’re trying to get to is here. And we’re already here. That’s where the path leads us. It’s not leading us to some elusive place out there, somewhere that is impossible to get to.” [29:49] “In order for something to stand the test of time, it's going to take time.” [37:10] “You have these desires [...] but it’s not going to change your belief about yourself and it's not going to change how you feel about yourself. There’s a difference. The minute that it does and you feel less than, then at that point, it’s back to the drawing board.” Enjoy the Podcast? If you felt radically loved from listening to this podcast, subscribe and share it with the people you love! Finding meaning in our lives is an essential part of being human; help others reach it too. Love to give us 5 stars? If you do, we'd love a review from you. Help us reach more people and make them feel loved. Know someone who struggles with managing expectations? A simple way to give advice is to share what you've learned today on social media. Don’t forget to follow and message us on these platforms! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radicallylovedrosie/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosieacosta Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosieacosta TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsrosieacosta Thanks for listening! To feeling radically loved, Rosie