Episode 424. Navigating the 10-year Crisis with Alex Banayan

Season 8,   Feb 19, 2022, 02:40 AM

The pandemic made us question many things about our lives — our goals, passion, and even existence. It was like a wake-up call, reminding us that we are only temporary beings. Even now, many of us struggle with grief and the idea of impermanence. Despite all this, you need to remember that your fate ultimately lies in how you deal with your inner voice. When you rise above your fears and failure, rest assured that success and growth await you with open arms. In this episode, Alex Banayan, author of The Third Door, shares his experience in writing his book and the question that started his incredible journey. Alex also gives his insights about finding mentors in a digital world and the lessons he learned from his own mentors. Finally, he reveals the secrets to the success of accomplished entrepreneurs in his book. If you’re struggling to find personal or professional growth due to the lack of direction and you want to know how to find a mentor, this episode is for you. This episode is brought to you by: Biome Breakthrough www.biomebreakthrough.com/radicallyloved Use promo code: radicallyloved10 to get 10% off! Dispea Visit www.dipseastories.com/loved to get a 30 day free trial! Super Speciosa www.getsuperleaf.com/loved and use promo code LOVED to get 20% off your entire order! Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 1.Learn how to find impactful mentors while being in a pandemic and working from home. 2.Discover the importance of the 10-year crisis in your career and life. 3.Learn and apply the meaning of the success mindset to your career and life. Resources ●Join the Free 10-Day Radically Loved Summit https://radicallylovedsummit.com/ ●Connect with Alex: ●Twitter https://twitter.com/alexbanayan ●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alexbanayan/?hl=en ●LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexbanayan/ ●Get Alex’s book, The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers: ●Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Third-Door-Uncover-Successful-Launched/dp/0804136661 Audible https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Third-Door-Audiobook/B07D92D7KJ Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-third-door-alex-banayan/1127243811 ●For more information on the book, go to the Third Door’s official website https://thirddoorbook.com/. ●Access Watch Your Words FREE 30-day program to break the language pattern chains keeping you from success! https://www.watchyourwords.com/ ●Create a daily meditation ritual in just seven days! Download BUILD YOUR DAILY MEDITATION RITUAL and other freebies on the Radically Loved website! https://www.radicallyloved.com/free-stuff Episode Highlights Rosie’s Thoughts on The Third Door ●Rosie and her partner Tori read the book three different times. It opened many conversations between them. ●Alex is one of Rosie’s dream guests. Writing The Third Door ●The Third Door was a seven-year journey that started in Alex’s college dorm room. ●His goal was to uncover the mindset of success from remarkable people. ●Alex shares that he learns more by seeing the ideas in action. ●It's an enlightening process for him to see if his mindset or previous problems change after resurfacing in the present. How Recurring Problems Resurface ●Coming from a family of Persian Jew immigrants, he spent his earlier years preparing to become a doctor. ●He eventually realized he wasn't satisfied with his life. ●Alex learned advice from the leader of Geek Squad. Tune in to the podcast to hear more! ●Deep down, we all seek constant growth. As our life progresses, a deeper sense of connection and contribution will be more important than success. ●It’s been interesting for Alex to go through the crisis, research, share the ideas with the world, and apply them to himself. Finding Mentors in a Digital Platform ●Everyone’s on the same playing field when it comes to finding mentors online. ●It’s easy to freak out and feel powerless in the pandemic, but chasing your dreams should be your priority. ●You control your actions and mindset. ●Reading, networking, and honing your skills are activities you have control over in reaching your goals. ●Utilize the best tools you have the moment you have them. Alex’s Book Journey: Looking Back ●He thought that writing the book would be a magical and easy process. However, it took seven years for him to complete the book. ●When the book first came out, Alex admitted to saying the experience was painful and horrible. In retrospect, he says that writing the book was beautiful and compelling. ●Writing the book brings him to fulfillment after hurtling through the episodes of impermanent “pain.” ●Tune in to hear the heartfelt experience of Alex and his dad. Grief During the Book Release ●Alex’s book release accompanied many personal times of grief in his life. ●As a form of self-love, Alex wanted to send the book out in high spirits. ●During a big radio interview, he felt paralyzed with grief. ●He recalled an anecdote about Oprah Winfrey calling out her mentor’s spirit during a difficult time, and he asked his father to do the same with him. ●After the interview, he discovered that inviting his fear and grief with him could feel immensely soothing. What Alex Is Currently Working On ●Alex is in the gradual process of authoring another book, and he’s currently focused on his press tour. ●The issues of feeling unfulfilled at work and the uncertainty of future careers and pathways inspired him to write his new book. ●You can be grateful for what you have and still aim for growth. Thoughts on Toxic Positivity ●There’s value in thinking positive thoughts to manifest it. ●Always take the time to examine the pit in your stomach and find out what it’s trying to tell you. How Mentors Change in Time ●Alex’s mentors have changed and evolved, which is something he hadn’t consciously done before writing the book. ●Now, he is looking at other people for guidance, mentorship, and other similar values. ●Stories about the unfaltering kindness people have for themselves and others despite the challenges they face are proof that the resilience of the human experience is far beyond our understanding. 5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode [07:58] “You know, success implies a singular destination. What [our life] looking for is [its] continued growth. What it’s looking for is a deeper sense of meaning, a deeper sense of contribution, a deeper sense of alignment, a deeper sense of connection.” [15:46] “When something, even if it’s painful, gives us a sense of fulfillment and a sense of meaning, the pain becomes impermanent and the fulfillment stays with us.” [19:22] “Those who have experienced [grief] know, it sort of has a mind of its own. It normally comes at the most inconvenient times.” [21:48] “There is another way to relate to [fear and other uncomfortable feelings]. And that’s by inviting them in. And while it feels like the complete opposite of my instincts, it’s actually the action that feels the most soothing and relieving.” [25:14] “What that tension is saying to you is that there’s a version of you that is capable of more; of more meaning, more contribution, more joy. The tension of who you are today and who you know deep down you can be next month [or] next year. That tension is actually the seed of change.” About Alex Alex Banayan is the author of The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers. The book chronicles his seven-year journey of interviewing and investigating the exponential mindset of success. He is the youngest bestselling American business book author, and his book has been translated into over a dozen languages. His work has been featured in Fortune, CNBC, Businessweek, The Washington Post, MSNBC, Fox News, and NBC News. He has presented The Third Door framework as a keynote speaker for corporate leadership teams all over the world. If you want to connect with Alex, check out his Twitter https://twitter.com/alexbanayan Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alexbanayan/?hl=en LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexbanayan/. You can also go to The Third Door https://thirddoorbook.com/ to know more.