Episode 413. Finding Your Rhythm and Spiritual Connections with Agapi Stassinopoulos

Jan 12, 2022, 10:28 PM

Getting caught up in negative situations often blind our emotions and judgment. It detaches us from our rhythm and leads us deeper into a never-ending rabbit hole. The fall eventually isolates us from the spiritual realm. While reconnecting with our spirit may seem impossible, getting back on track begins with something as easy as quieting your mind. Once you regain your presence, you can invite the spirit in and awaken your inner master. In this episode, best-selling author Agapi Stassinopoulos gives a sneak peek of her latest book, Speaking With Spirit. Agapi discusses her experience of writing the book amid the pandemic and how it called her to practice. She also reveals how we can find our rhythm and invite our spirit in. Finally, Agapi guides us in seeking our inner master and maximizing our inherent potential. This episode is brought to you by: SugarBreak Visit www.sugarbreak.com/rosie and use code ROSIE for 15% off your entire order! 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Resources ●Connect with Agapi: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Email ●Radically Loved Episode 67: Wake Up to the Joy of You with Agapi Stassinopoulos ●Speaking with Spirit by Agapi Stassinopoulos ●Wake Up to the Joy of You by Agapi Stassinopoulos ●Download Agapi’s 33 Guided Meditations from Wake Up To The Joy Of You here! ●Unbinding the Heart by Agapi Stassinopoulos ●Gods and Goddesses in Love by Agapi Stassinopoulos ●Conversations with the Goddesses by Agapi Stassinopoulos ●Create a daily meditation ritual in just seven days! Download BUILD YOUR DAILY MEDITATION RITUAL and other freebies on the Radically Loved website! ●FREE Action Guide! Apply the lessons you learn from this episode as you listen! Sign up at RadicallyLoved.com, and I’ll send it right away! Episode Highlights Speaking With Spirit ●Agapi’s new book is called Speaking With Spirit: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire, and Uplift You. She wrote the book during the pandemic. ●As a person who thrives in heart, joy, and connection, living in lockdown was like being in exile for Agapi. ●Prayer and the aliveness of connecting with spirit is not a theory. We get called in to practice all the time, not just on special occasions. ●Tune in to the episode to hear excerpts of some affirmative quotes from her book! ●The spirit will feel like our next breath if we quiet the mind and come into presence. Finding Your Rhythm ●Agapi’s number one spiritual teacher was her mother. ●Her mother had a rhythm of eternity; nothing could rush her. She never allowed herself to get caught up in other people's rhythms. ●Her sister is an AAA type who achieves and simultaneously does many things. ●Agapi is a lover and entertainer who likes creating connections with other people. ●The world’s demands keep us off our rhythm and vibration. Disconnecting from worldly pressure takes incredible courage. Getting to the Spirit ●Agapi wrote the book to give people permission to acknowledge that they are loved exactly as they are. ●We don’t need to prove our values to other people and to our spirit. ●You need to stop, ask, and listen to get to the spirit. ●Listen to the full episode to hear a hilarious story about a monk who wanted to serve God! On Betraying the Moments ●We end up going to bed empty and depleted when we betray the moments. ●We often turn to our phones to get some simulation. What we should do instead is turn them off and do something we love to cheer us up. ●Reading books and listening to her favorite pop music are some of Agapi's preferred uplifting activities. How to Come into the Awakened Moment ●Pick up a pen and something to write on. Then, write down your prayers. ●Drafting your prayers steers us into a vulnerable moment. Reciting devotion wires the brain into a mindset that you’re not alone. ●The creation of our physical bodies remains unknown. The mystery entitles us to refer to ourselves as the miracle of life ●It requires a certain trust to open up to your miraculousness. Faith requires you to do something without knowing what’s ahead. Finding Comfort and Grace in the Loss of a Loved One ●Listen to the episode to hear Rosie’s heartfelt story about how the book’s prayer consoled her after her father’s heart attack! ●Sometimes, there are no words to say to someone going through grief or loss. Give them love, compassion, and a safe space to cry. ●Rosie gained the courage and comfort she needed to get through it by reading a passage from the book. ●The uncertainty of a life-and-death situation calls for the spirit to come in and hold our hands. ●The more we learn to ask, receive, and recognize that we’re not alone, the more we can pass it on. Inviting the Spirit In ●For Agapi, not having the connection she needed while writing the book was like cutting off her lifeforce. ●She found the lifeforce back inside. She had to comfort herself and bring little things to make her day better. ●When writing the book, she sought direction, guidance, and support from within. ●Agapi found the gift as she proceeded with new chapters and prayers. ●She wants to pass on the gift while also practicing it herself. Our Inner Master ●Agapi sometimes can’t believe that she wrote her book whenever she reads it. ●Our inner master is the part of us that knows how to do things. ●The masterful part of ourselves is compassionate, strong, calm, and still. It’s the “I am”, also known as the God within. ●The more we practice our masterful selves, the more it rises. Then, we have to bring it to others. Rekindle Your Enthusiasm Prayer ●Every day, as soon as we wake up, it is important that we renew ourselves. ●Tune in to the full podcast to listen as Agapi guides us through a short prayer! ●Affirmation: “God is my partner.” ●Stay resilient. Open up, and trust your spirit. ●Write down your prayers, wants, and things you want to let go of. Let the spirit speak to you. Spiritual Guidance ●Agapi shares quick fixes for spiritual guidance in the book. ●Call the spirit forward in the middle of bad news or anything happening. Don’t delay it. ●The more each of us calls the spirit forward, the more we activate it — the more it grows. Be Part of the Family ●Her guided meditations will be published on Audible. ●Unbinding The Heart, her third book, reveals the beginning of her spiritual journey. ●Agapi reminds us that the Radically Love family is here for all of us. ●Lastly, she encourages us to join and indulge in family fun. 5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode [3:53] “...and did you get what you wanted from this life? Even so, I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved; to feel myself beloved on the Earth” [9:49] “I wrote this book because I wanted to give people permission to open up the gate to say, ‘You know you are loved exactly as you are. You don't have to prove to us your value. You don't have to prove to your spirit.” [19:55] “When you're going through grief or loss, I relate and there are no words to say to someone. Give them love and compassion, and a safe space for them to cry.” [22:14] “The more we learn to ask and receive, and the more we learn that we're not alone, the more we can pass that on.” [25:28] “There is always this part of us that is that knows how to do things, and I call it like the inner master.” About Agapi Agapi Stassinopoulos is a best-selling author and speaker who sparks inspiration in audiences around the world. Her books Gods and Goddesses in Love and Conversations with the Goddesses got turned into PBS specials. Currently, Agapi conducts workshops for Thrive Global to help change the way people work and live. She has also spoken and conducted meditations at companies like L’Oreal, Women’s Health Magazine, IBM Watson, Google, and Nike, among others Her book Wake Up to the Joy of You inspires readers to let go of what doesn’t work and create the lives they want. Her new book Speaking with Spirit: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire, and Uplift You will be released on January 11, 2022. If you wish to connect with Agapi, you may check out her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You may also send her an email at agapi@unbindingtheheart.com.