Episode 29| Radically Blissed Out with Mary Beth LaRue and Jacki Carr Founders of "Rock Your Bliss"

Jan 09, 2017, 05:38 AM

Rock Your Bliss is a Yoga-Inspired coaching movement for your body and mind founded by Jacki Carr and Mary Beth LaRue. They foster a community through self-development practices, vulnerable conversations and conscious, creative play. These are two of the most inspiring women I know.   I can’t wait for you to listen to their story, the work that they’re doing in their business and in their own lives. We talk about really being honest, feeling free, and being aware of your unconscious beliefs.   Jacki and Mary Beth have a special perspective on relationships from their own amazing friendship to the relationships they have with female friends and spouses. If you’ve been thinking about your relationships and craving more openness and togetherness, this is such a great conversation to listen to.   Radically Blissful Jacki and Mary Beth   Having honest, hard conversations to break down barriers and become friends Creating the Rock Your Bliss retreat and realizing it was something bigger Recognizing the special spark with someone, instead of pleasing everyone   Radically Inspired Clarity   As teachers, we need to find our unique voice and drop the idea that we need to teach a certain way and look a certain way. Take a moment to get aware of what beliefs you’ve made that aren’t serving you.   Jacki and Mary Beth Answer…   How do you see your approach as a coach evolving now that you’re a parent? Why do we have such a hard time owning honesty? How do you balance your business and your relationship with your husband? What area in your life do you feel most free in?   Radically Loved Quotes   “We create the space we stand in and the generations to come.”   “My female relationships are the most important in the world to me.”   “Your heart expands. I keep remembering, there’s room.”   “I feel most free when I realize we’re all connected.” Mary Beth’s Top 10 Influential People In no particular order: My husband, Matt Anne Lamott My parents Jacki Carr Schuyler Grant Byron Katie Martha Winum Donna Farhi My brother Matt Wolcott and a plus one Elena Brower Jacki Carr’s Top 10 Influential People   1) Marti Carr (Mama) 2) Jack Carr (Dad) 3) Chris Hynes (sweet, sweet husband of mine) 4) My Grandma Paulin (Flower Girl in my wedding) 5) Susanne Conrad (Founder of Lightyear Leadership, formerly igolu) 6) Mary Beth LaRue (did you listen to the podcast, you get it?!) 7) Melinda and Kat Bailey Carr (little sisters) 8) Alex Christensen & Erin Thomas (college best friends when I was scared of women, they stuck by me) 9) Matt Hoglund (my other man, i.e. gay best friend) 10) Evergreen Hynes (our daughter, yes already!)   A Little More About Our Guests   Mary Beth LaRue is a yoga teacher, coach and writer. She’s an Iowa girl living blissfully in Silver Lake, Los Angeles with her husband and their lovable English bulldog, Rosy. Whether it’s through a sweaty yoga practice, a gratitude meditation, or a conversation over coffee about life goals, her mission is to lead people toward their bliss. Sustainable, fulfilling bliss.   Jacki Carr is a goal coach, writer, motivational speaker and new Mama. You can find her in Denver, Colorado making friends and hiking with her man, little girl Evi and two pups all over the Rocky Mountains. Her coaching style includes real + honest conversations and true connection to your most powerful and whole self. www.rockyourblissmovement.com   Be sure to subscribe to our weekly Radically Loved Updates and listen on iTunes to make sure you never miss an episode!