Episode 20| Radical Clarity with Zach Slobin, Phenomenal Speaker, Trainer, Author and Coach
Nov 28, 2016, 09:43 PM
Zach Slobin has been through a wild journey of wins and losses. He has always been willing to challenge the norm and has never settled for becoming someone that people thought he should be. And by finding the lesson in all of his life experiences, Zach has become a phenomenal speaker, trainer, author and coach. Zach shares so many personal experiences from breaking off his engagement and becoming unemployable to becoming a successful entrepreneur and living his dreams. He teaches the importance of contrast in life and finding the gift or pay-off in every experience. There is so much to be gained from this inspiration-packed conversation. Whether you’re going through a transformation, looking for your soulmate, or simply interested in finding greater purpose and clarity in your life, you will love hearing what Zach has to say. Radically Wise Zach Slobin Growing up in a good family as an aspiring athlete and dealing with injury Lasting only 7 months in the sports industry and being unemployable Finding his calling while on stage in front of an audience of 200 people Blowing $80,000 in cash and living on his mom’s couch Going from being a pack a day smoker to quitting completely Deciding he was ready to meet his soulmate and finding her right around the corner Radically Inspired Clarity Ask yourself, “What’s the gift in this?” to put your life together after loss and depression. Our intuition is always right. It will always lead us down the path of least resistance even if it seems difficult. Having people who support you is a luxury. Ultimately, our life is our choice. The first step in transformation is to look back and see how you’ve contributed to the life you have now. What we feel and what we think are two totally different things. If they aren’t in alignment, we’ll attract what we might not want. Zach Slobin Answers… What is the difference between transformation and self-improvement? How important is it for you to have the support of your peers? Do you think there’s a lack of honest self-appraisal? What are questions we can ask ourselves in challenging times? How can we better our odds at finding someone who is in alignment with us? Radically Loved Quotes “I’ve been willing to ask uncomfortable questions of the world and of myself for a very long time.” “I struggle with the language of loss because I’ve gained so much from those experiences.” “Grace is such a misunderstood skill. It’s important to be ruthlessly honest with compassion with ourselves and other people.” “What else is possible? What might be the gift in this? What else might have you learned from this?” “Am I lovable if I’m completely bankrupt?” “Insanity is not accepting reality, so it’s insane to consider doing something else in the past. Stop thinking about what was and what you think might be. Just love what is.” “Something incredible must be just around this corner for me to experience this pain. Some gift must be right around the corner.” A Little More About Our Guest Zach has started multiple businesses. With EZ Freedom Formula, Zach and his wife Eden have assisted over 2,000 people transform their lives both physically and financially. The duo happily teaches people how to eliminate “I Can’t” from their lives and break down the walls of the cubicle. After 4 months of their own marketing business, Zach and Eden were able to free themselves from Corporate America while replacing their Six-Figure Incomes. Today, Zach continues to work with the EZ Freedom Formula and shares his wisdom as a speaker, trainer, author, and coach. www.ZachSlobin.com Zach on Facebook Resources The Vortex by Esther Hicks Madly in love with his wife. Natural philosopher. And producer of his own life. These three things pretty much sum up Zach Slobin and his insatiable desire to knock, question the everyday rules and then bend life to create massive freedom, joy, and abundance. After weathering life’s natural ups and downs, being lost in “finding his purpose,” and navigating through the inevitable entrepreneurial storms, he can tell you the stories of hitting several physical, emotional, spiritual and financial bottoms. He’s the athlete who almost went pro, but severe injuries kept him from his dream. He’s the top guy who walked away from a good corporate job (and the money), because it was suffocating. He’s the man who wouldn’t settle until he found his soulmate. And he’s the entrepreneur who was so committed to excellence, he created financial freedom at just 34 years of age. Grateful for the lessons all the losses have taught him, one thing is for sure–he can show you how you to play the game of life and win it. As a Master Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Zach’s greatest thrill in life is showing people how to go from where they are to where they deserve to be by removing the BS lies they tell themselves, so they can be, do and have ANYTHING they desire. Learn more about how to upgrade your life and never, ever settle at www.zachslobin.com. Be sure to subscribe to our weekly Radically Loved Updates and listen on iTunes to make sure you never miss an episode!